How Do I Create a Reusable Component in WordPress?

Creating a reusable component in WordPress is fairly easy. The first step is to create a plugin or theme. Once you have a plugin or theme, you will need to create a folder for your reusable component and add the following files:

– Plugin or Theme .php
– src/
– test/

The src/ folder will contain your reusable component code, and the test/ folder will contain unit tests for your component. The README.

md file will document your component, and the plugin or theme .php file will create the plugin or theme instance.

Now, you will need to add the following code to your plugin or theme .php file:

define( ‘WPL_REUSABLE_COMPONENT’, true );

This code tells WordPress that your component is reusable. Finally, you will need to add the following lines to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘init’, ‘wpl_reusable_component’);
add_action(‘after_setup_theme’, ‘wpl_reusable_component’);

These lines add the wpl_reusable_component function to the Theme’s init and after_setup_theme functions, which allows your theme to load your reusable component automatically.

Now, you can use your reusable component in your theme or plugin. For example, you could use the wpl_reusable_component function to load a custom header for your plugin.