How Do I Create a Roadmap in WordPress?

Creating a roadmap in WordPress can be a helpful tool for managing your website’s development. A roadmap can help you track your progress and stay on track with your project.

To create a roadmap in WordPress, first create a new document. In the document, you will want to include a title, a brief description of the project, and a list of milestones.

Each milestone should include a brief description of what you plan to achieve at that point in the project. You should also include a estimated completion date for each milestone.

Once you have created your roadmap, you will want to share it with your team. This will help them understand your project and stay on track.


Creating a roadmap in WordPress can help you stay on track with your website development project. By creating a brief description of each milestone, and estimating when each will be completed, you can ensure that your project is completed on time.