How Do I Create a Staff List in WordPress?

Creating a Staff List in WordPress is easy. First, you’ll need to create a staff list template in WordPress. You can find a template on the WordPress.

org website. Once you have the template, you’ll need to fill it in with the information for your staff list.

First, you’ll need to create a table of contents for your staff list. This table of contents will list the names of your staff members, their positions, and their contact information.

Next, you’ll need to fill in the information for each staff member. You’ll need to include the staff member’s name, their position, their contact information, and their bio.

You can also include a photo if you want.

Finally, you’ll need to create a staff list widget. You can find a widget on the website. Once you have the widget, you’ll need to configure it to display your staff list.

You’ll need to include the template name and the path to the staff list template. You’ll also need to include the name of the staff list widget, the id of the widget, and the title of the widget.