How Do I Create a Stylesheet in WordPress?

Creating a stylesheet in WordPress is relatively easy. All you need is a text editor, like WordPress’s own W3C-validated editor, and some basic knowledge of CSS.

First, create a new file in your text editor and save it as styles.css.

In this file, you’ll need to specify the type of stylesheet you’re creating, as well as the location of your stylesheet.

The type of stylesheet you’re creating will determine the settings you need to specify. In this example, we’re creating a CSS file, so we’ll need to specify the file type as “css” and the location as “/wp-content/themes/mytheme/styles.


Next, you’ll need to specify the style rules that you want to apply to your WordPress site. To do this, you need to use the CSS property selector.

To create a rule, you need to select the type of property you want to change, and then the value you want to set that property to. For example, to change the font-size property, you would use the following selector:

.element {

font-size: 20px;


If you want to apply multiple rules to a particular element, you can use the comma operator to separate them. For example, to set the font-size and font-weight properties for all body elements to 20px, you would use the following selector:

.body {

font-weight: normal;

You can also use the shorthand property selector syntax to apply multiple rules to a single element. For example, to set the font-size and font-weight properties for all body elements to 20px, you could use the following selector:

Finally, you need to specify any global styles that you want to apply to your entire WordPress site. To do this, you use the style tag. For example, to set the font-size and font-weight properties for all body elements to 20px, you would use the following style tag:

style.body {

If you want to apply a style rule to a specific section of your WordPress site, you can use the domain tag. For example, to set the font-size and font-weight properties for all body elements in the “content” section of your WordPress site to 20px, you would use the following domain tag:

style.content {

You can also use the global domain and section tags to apply styles to specific posts and pages, respectively. For example, to set the font-size and font-weight properties for all body elements in the “content” section of all posts on your WordPress site to 20px, you would use the following domain and section tags: { {

Finally, you can specify a global style for all