How Do I Create a WordPress Job Board?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of people all over the world. It’s free and easy to use, so it’s a great platform for creating a job board.

To create a WordPress job board, you first need to set up a WordPress site. You can use a free site or sign up for a paid site like SiteGround.

Once you have your site set up, you’ll need to install the WordPress Job Board plugin. The plugin is available from the WordPress plugin repository.

Once you have the plugin installed, you’ll need to configure it. The plugin has a few settings that you’ll need to set up. The first setting is the job board domain.

This is the domain name that is used to host the job board. You can use your site’s domain name or a separate domain name.

The next setting is the job board theme. You can use a theme that is already installed on your site or you can install a custom theme.

The theme you use affects the look and feel of the job board.

The next setting is the job board content. You’ll need to create a list of jobs that are available on your job board.

You can use the WordPress Job Board plugin to create the list or you can use a third-party plugin like Job Board Creator.

The next setting is the job board logo. You’ll need to create a logo for the job board.

You can use the WordPress Job Board plugin to create the logo or you can use a third-party plugin like Logo Maker.

The final setting is the job board page template. You can use a template that is already installed on your site or you can install a custom template.

The template you use affects the look and feel of the job board.

Once you have the plugin configured, you’ll need to add the jobs to the job board. You can add the jobs using the WordPress Job Board plugin or you can use a third-party plugin like Job Board Creator.

Once the jobs are added to the job board, you’ll need to configure the site to use the job board. You can do this using the WordPress Job Board plugin or by using a third-party plugin like Job Board Manager.

Once the site is configured, you’ll need to promote the job board.

The final step is to add the job board to your WordPress site.

Now that you have a WordPress job board set up, you can start promoting it. You can use the WordPress Job Board plugin or by using a third-party plugin like Job Board Manager.


Setting up a WordPress job board is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. The plugin that is available from the WordPress plugin repository helps you to configure the board and add the jobs.

Once the board is configured, you can promote it using the WordPress Job Board plugin or by using a third-party plugin like Job Board Manager.