How Do I Create a WordPress Membership Site?

Creating a WordPress membership site is a great way to give your visitors a way to access your content and resources without having to sign up for a subscription. To create a membership site, start by installing WordPress on your server.

Once WordPress is installed, create a new website in the WordPress dashboard.

In the new website’s Settings page, make sure to set the site title and description, and choose a theme. Next, add a blog in the WordPress dashboard.

In the blog’s Settings page, make sure to set the blog’s title and description, and choose a theme.

To create a membership site, first add a WordPress plugin to your blog. The plugin you want to use is the WordPress Membership plugin. In the Membership plugin’s Settings page, make sure to set the following:

The plugin’s name

The plugin’s description

The plugin’s slug

The plugin’s url

The plugin’s license

The plugin’s author

The plugin’s priority

The plugin’s category

Once you have set the plugin’s settings, add a membership section to your blog in the WordPress dashboard. In the membership section, add a new membership form.

In the membership form, add the following fields:


Email address

First name

Last name



Membership type

Annual fee

Membership start date

Membership end date

In the membership form,.