How Do I Create an Event Page in WordPress?

Creating an event page in WordPress is a breeze. All you need is a WordPress site, an event, and a few minutes of your time.

First, create a new page in WordPress. Make sure the page title is Event Page, and choose the “Text” theme.

Now, add a few basic pieces of information about your event. You’ll need to provide a date, time, location, and a few basic details about your event.

Next, add amedia file to your event page. This file will contain all of the media assets for your event, such as photos, videos, and slideshows.

Finally, add a few basic pieces of code to your event page. In the header section of your page, add a few lines of code to include your event’s logo and a link to the event’s website.

In the body of the page, add a few lines of code to include event information, media assets, and a link to purchase tickets.

That’s all there is to it! Your event page is ready to go. If you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@eventpage.


Now that you’ve created your event page, it’s time to promote it! Here are a few tips for getting the word out about your event:

1. Share your event page on social media.

2. Create a press release and distribute it online.

3. Write articles about your event and share them on social media and other online platforms.

4. Run a contest or giveaway related to your event.

5. Host a webinar about your event.

6. Get involved with local community events and promote your event there.

7. Run a booth at an upcoming local event and promote your event there.

8. Offer free tickets to first-time attendees of your event.

9. Offer discounted tickets to students, military members, and other members of the community who need to be affordable.

10. Offer tickets to members of your audience who can provide feedback on your event.

Now that you know how to create and promote an event page in WordPress, it’s time to get started! You can reach out to us at for help getting started.