How Do I Edit a Custom Link in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites. One of the features of WordPress is the custom link feature.

A custom link is a link that you create and customize. You can use custom links to share content on your website, or to direct visitors to specific pages on your website.

To create a custom link in WordPress, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar. Then, click the “Custom Link” button.

The “Custom Link” dialog box will open. In this dialog box, you will need to input the following information:

The name of the custom link.

The URL of the page or post to which the custom link will lead.

The text of the custom link.

Click the “Create Custom Link” button to create your custom link.

When you create a custom link, WordPress will automatically create a corresponding URL template. You can use this template to create the URL for your custom link.

To edit a custom link, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.

Click the “Edit Custom Link” button to modify the details of your custom link.

When you edit a custom link, WordPress will automatically update the corresponding URL template.

To delete a custom link, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.

Click the “Delete Custom Link” button to remove your custom link.

When you delete a custom link, WordPress will also remove the corresponding URL template. You won’t be able to use this template to create the URL for your custom link.


Custom links are an important feature of WordPress. To create a custom link, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar. To edit a custom link, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.

Then, click the “Custom Link” button. To delete a custom link, first click the “Links” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.