How Do I Edit Captions in WordPress?

If you want to change the captions for a post or page in WordPress, there are a few different ways to go about it. You can edit the post’s header, or the post’s content, or you can use the WordPress captions plugin.

The easiest way to change the caption for a post is to go to the post’s header and click on the “Caption” tab. Here, you can change the caption for the post, as well as the caption for any of the post’s categories.

If you want to change the caption for a specific post, you can go to the post’s content and click on the “Caption” tab.

If you want to use the WordPress captions plugin, you can download it from the plugin repository.

After you’ve downloaded and installed the plugin, you can add it to your WordPress site by going to the “Plugins” menu and clicking on the “Add New” button. Then, you can enter the plugin’s name (“Captions” in this case) and click on the “Install” button.

After the plugin has been installed, you can go to the “Captions” menu and click on the “Settings” button. Here, you can change the caption for each post and page, as well as the caption for any of the post’s categories.

Finally, you can click on the “Save Settings” button to save your changes.