How Do I Edit My WordPress Search Page?

Editing your WordPress search page is a relatively simple process. Once you have logged into your account, you can access your search page by clicking on the “Search” link in the main menu bar.

Once on the search page, you will see a list of all of the posts and pages in your blog. To edit your search page, all you need to do is click on the “Edit” link next to the post or page that you want to edit.

Once on the post or page editing screen, you will see a list of all of the tags that are associated with that post or page. At the very top of the post or page editing screen, you will also see a button that says “Search this post with…”.

Click on this button to open a new search window that will allow you to search for specific words or phrases within the post or page.

Once you have found the words or phrases that you want to search for, simply click on the “Find” button next to them and WordPress will start to search for matching posts and pages. If WordPress finds a matching post or page, it will automatically select it and display it in the post or page editing screen.

If WordPress does not find a matching post or page, it will display an error message and you will need to start over by clicking on the “Find” button again. Once you have found the post or page that you want to edit, simply click on the “Edit” button next to it and WordPress will take you to the post or page editing screen.

At the top of the post or page editing screen, you will see a button that says “Publish this post”. If you want to publish the post or page, simply click on this button and WordPress will automatically update the post or page with the changes that you have made.

If you want to discard the changes that you have made, simply click on the “Undo” button next to the “Publish this post” button and WordPress will restore the post or page to its original state.

If you want to delete the post or page entirely, simply click on the “Delete” button next to the “Publish this post” button and WordPress will remove the post or page from your blog.

Finally, if you want to keep the post or page but change the title, you can do this by clicking on the “Title” field next to the “Publish this post” button and typing in a new title. WordPress will then automatically update the post or page with the new title.

Once you have finished editing the post or page, simply click on the “Publish this post” button to publish it on your blog.


Editing your WordPress search page is a relatively simple process that allows you to customize the search results that are displayed on your blog. By clicking on the “Edit” link next to the post or page that you want to edit, you can open the post or page editing screen and search for specific words or phrases. Once you have found the words or phrases that you want to search for, simply click on the “Find” button next to them and WordPress will start to search for matching posts and pages. If WordPress does not find a matching post or page, it will display an error message and you will need to start over by clicking on the “Find” button again.

At the top of the post or page editing screen, you will see a button that says “Publish this post”. If you want to discard the changes that you have made, simply click on the “Undo” button next to the “Publish this post” button and WordPress will restore the post or page to its original state. Finally, if you want to keep the post or page but change the title, you can do this by clicking on the “Title” field next to the “Publish this post” button and typing in a new title. Once you have finished editing the post or page, simply click on the “Publish this post” button to publish it on your blog.