How Do I Enable Add to Cart Button in WordPress?

Adding a button to your WordPress website that allows visitors to add items to their shopping carts is a simple task. Follow these simple steps to enable the add to cart button on your WordPress website:

1. Go to your WordPress website’s admin area, and under the “Appearance” tab, click on the “Theme Options” button.

2. In the “Theme Options” screen, under the “General” tab, click on the “Add to Cart” button.

3. In the “Add to Cart” screen, you will need to provide a title for your button, as well as a description.

You can also specify a price for each item in your cart.

4. Click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes.

5. You will now need to configure your WordPress website’s “Shopping Cart” plugin to use the new add to cart button.

To do this, go to your WordPress website’s plugins area, and under the “Plugins” tab, click on the “Shopping Cart” plugin.

6. On the “Shopping Cart” plugin’s main screen, click on the “Settings” button.

7. Under the “Shopping Cart” plugin’s “Settings” screen, click on the “Add to Cart” button.

8. On the “Add to Cart” screen, provide the same information that you provided in the “Add to Cart” screen of the WordPress website’s “Theme Options” screen.


10. You are now ready to use the new add to cart button on your WordPress website.

To do this, go to your WordPress website’s content area, and under the “Products” tab, click on the “Add to Cart” button.

11. On the “Add to Cart” screen, provide the information that you provided in the “Add to Cart” screen of the WordPress website’s “Theme Options” screen.

12. Click on the “Submit” button to add the item to your WordPress website’s shopping cart.

13. You will now see the item in your WordPress website’s shopping cart.

To add the item to your shopping cart, click on the “Add to Cart” button on the item’s details page.

14. Click on the “Cart” button to add the item to your shopping cart.


16. Click on the “Cart” button to view your WordPress website’s shopping cart.

17. Click on the “Checkout” button to complete your purchase.

In conclusion, adding a button to your WordPress website that allows visitors to add items to their shopping carts is a simple task. Follow these steps to enable the add to cart button on your WordPress website:

12. Click on the “Submit” button to add the item to.