How Do I Enable SVG in WordPress Without Plugins?

SVG is a vector graphic format that allows for more detailed and accurate graphics than traditional images. WordPress doesn’t natively support SVG, but there are a few plugins that can help you add support.

If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress installation, you can enable SVG by installing the SVGPlugin. This plugin adds support for SVG files to your WordPress site.

If you’re using a hosted WordPress site, you may not have access to the SVGPlugin. In that case, you can try the SVG Addon for WordPress.

This plugin adds support for SVG files to your WordPress site.

Once you’ve installed the SVGAddon, you’ll need to add a few lines of code to your WordPress site’s functions.php file. The code will look like this:

function wp_enqueue_svg() { add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wp_enqueue_svg’); }

Once you’ve added the code, you’ll need to activate the plugin. To do this, go to the Plugins menu in your WordPress site, and click on the activate button next to the SVGAddon.

Now you’re ready to start adding your SVG files to your WordPress site. Just upload your SVG files to your WordPress site, and add a link to them in the body of your posts and pages.


SVG is a great way to add more detail and accuracy to your graphics. If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress installation, you can enable SVG by installing the SVGPlugin.

If you’re using a hosted WordPress site, you may not have access to the SVGPlugin, but you can try the SVG Addon for WordPress. Once you’ve installed the SVGAddon and activated it, you’re ready to start adding your SVG files to your WordPress site.