How Do I Find AdBlock Users in WordPress?

Finding users who are using adblock in WordPress is a difficult task. There are many different adblock plugins, and each one may be configured differently.

Additionally, users may choose to block ads selectively, or they may completely disable ads on all sites.

One approach to finding adblock users is to search for users who have disabled ads on all of their sites. This approach is not likely to be successful, as many users who disable ads do so for personal reasons rather than because they work for a company that requires them to disable ads.

Another approach is to search for users who are using a specific adblock plugin. However, this approach is also likely to be unsuccessful, as users who are using a specific adblock plugin may also be using other adblock plugins.

Ultimately, the best way to find adblock users in WordPress is to survey the users of the plugin. This can be done by asking them about their adblock usage, or by asking them to disable ads for a period of time and then re-enable them.