How Do I Find External Links in WordPress?

External links are important for SEO purposes, as they can help you rank higher in search engines. To find external links in WordPress, you can use a variety of methods.

One method is to use the “Find Links” function in the “Tools” menu of your WordPress administration area. This function will allow you to search for links to specific pages or posts on your website.

You can also use the “Link popularity” function to find which pages on your website are receiving the most links from other websites. This information can help you determine which pages to focus your SEO efforts on.

Finally, you can use the “Google Search Console” to find links to your website from search engine results pages (SERPs). This information can help you determine which keywords are driving traffic to your website.


Finding external links is an important part of SEO for any website. There are several methods you can use to find links to your website, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Use the methods that work best for you to increase your website’s rank in search engines.