How Do I Find My CSS ID in WordPress?

CSS IDs are unique identifiers for each style sheet in a WordPress site. They allow you to manage your stylesheets more easily, and to reference styles from other files in your site.

To find your CSS ID, open your browser’s developer tools, and click on the “CSS” tab. In the “Style Sheets” pane, you’ll see a list of all the style sheets in your site.

The first style sheet in the list is your main stylesheet, and the second style sheet is the stylesheet used for your site’s content.

Each style sheet has a unique ID, which you can use to reference it in other files in your site. For example, if you want to style all the

tags in your site using the same style, you can use the ID of the style sheet that styles

tags, as follows:

If you want to reference a style sheet that’s not in your site yet, you can use the URL of the style sheet. For example, if you want to use the style sheet located at http://example.

com/style.css, you would use the following code:.

Note: If you want to use a style sheet from another site, you first need to add it to your WordPress site. See How to Add a Style Sheet from a Website for more information.


CSS IDs are a useful way to manage your stylesheets in WordPress, and to reference styles from other files in your site.