How Do I Find My WordPress FTP Info?

Assuming you are using a FTP client, the first step is to find your WordPress installation’s directory.

To do this, open up your FTP client and navigate to your WordPress installation’s root directory. Here, you will see a number of files and folders.

The most important one is wp-config.php, which contains your WordPress settings.

Next, you need to find your WordPress installation’s ftp directory. This is located at the same level as the wp-config.

php file, and is typically named something like

Inside the ftp directory, you will find a number of files and folders. The most important one is wp-content.

The wp-content folder contains all of your WordPress files, including the wp-config.php file.

If you want to change any of your WordPress settings, you will need to access this file through your FTP client. Simply copy it over to your local machine and make the changes you want.