How Do I Find My WordPress Permalinks?

If you’re like most WordPress users, you probably don’t think too much about permalinks. After all, they’re just a series of random numbers that point to your posts and pages.

But permalinks are actually a very important part of WordPress. They’re the URLs that appear in your browser’s address bar when you click on a post or page.

Permalinks are also the URLs that WordPress uses to track your blog’s analytics. So if you want to see how your blog is doing, you need to know your permalinks.

To find your permalinks, go to your WordPress admin panel and click on the “Settings” button. Then under “General” click on the “Permalinks” tab.

On the Permalinks tab, you’ll see a list of all the posts and pages on your blog. Each post has a unique permalink, and each page has a unique permalink plus a slug (a shortened version of the permalink).

To change a post’s or page’s permalink, just enter the new permalink into the “Permalink” field. To change a post’s or page’s slug, just enter the new slug into the ” slug ” field.

Finally, remember to replace “http://” with “https://” when you’re creating permalinks. This will make your permalinks secure and protect them from website spammers.

If you’re ever confused about how to create or modify a permalink, just ask a friend or search online for instructions. And if you ever need to change your permalinks for any reason, just be sure to do it before you publish any new posts or pages.

That way, your blog will still look pretty and organized, no matter what the permalinks look like.


Finding your WordPress permalinks is easy if you know where to look. Just be sure to replace “http://” with “https://” when you’re creating permalinks, and remember to do it before you publish any new posts or pages.