How Do I Find Old Widgets in WordPress?

Why Old Widgets Matter

Old widgets matter because they are a reflection of the WordPress site’s history. A well-maintained widget library is a visual representation of your site’s evolution and development.

Old widgets can provide a valuable historical reference point for your WordPress site. By using search engines and your memory, you can often find and use old widgets on other sites.

Finding Old Widgets

Fortunately, finding old widgets is easy with a little effort.

First, use your browser’s search function to search for specific keywords or phrases related to widgets. This can help you find old versions of widgets that have since been discontinued or updated.

Second, use your browser’s history feature to browse back to older versions of your site. This can help you find old widgets that you may have forgotten about.

Finally, use your WordPress site’s backup feature to make a copy of your site’s widget library. This can help you keep track of old widgets and ensure that you always have a backup of your site’s widget library.


Old widgets matter because they are a visual representation of your site’s history.

Finding old widgets is easy with a little effort.