How Do I Find Taxonomy in WordPress?

If you want to add taxonomy to your WordPress blog, there are a few different ways to go about it. The first way is to use the built-in taxonomy manager. You can access it by going to Settings => General => Taxonomy.

This will give you a list of all the available taxonomies on your blog, as well as a list of the posts that are assigned to each taxonomy. You can then use the post editor to add new taxonomies, and to assign posts to those taxonomies.

The second way to add taxonomy to your blog is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins available that will allow you to add taxonomy to your blog. The best way to find a plugin is to search for “taxonomy plugin” on the WordPress plugin repository.

Once you find a plugin that you want to use, you can install it by going to the plugin’s admin area and clicking on the “activate” button. Once the plugin is activated, you will need to go to the plugin’s settings area and add the taxonomy definitions.

The third way to add taxonomy to your blog is to use a custom plugin. This is the method that I prefer, because it allows me to control exactly how taxonomy is added to my blog. To create a custom taxonomy plugin, you first need to create a plugin file. This can be done by using the WordPress plugin development tools, which are available at

Once you have created the plugin file, you need to add the plugin to your blog. To do this, you first need to go to the WordPress plugin repository and search for “taxonomy plugin.” Once you find the plugin that you want to use, you can install it by clicking on the “install” button. Once the plugin is installed, you need to go to the plugin’s settings area and add the taxonomy definitions.