How Do I Find the Author of a WordPress Post?

If you want to know who wrote a post on a WordPress site, you can use the WP_Query object. This object lets you search through all the posts on a site, and it includes a “by” field that lets you find posts by the author’s name.

To use the by field, you need to first create a WP_Query object. To do this, use the following code:.

WP_Query query = new WP_Query(); = “author_name”;

If you want to find all the posts with the by field set to “author_name”, you can use the following code:

query. get_posts();

This code will return all the posts on the site that have the by field set to “author_name”. You can also use the query object to find posts by other criteria.

For example, you can use it to find posts that have been modified recently. To do this, you can use the following code:.

query. since = “date_time”;

This code will return all the posts that have been modified since the date and time that you specify.