How Do I Find the URL of a WordPress Attachment?

Finding the URL of a WordPress attachment can be a tricky task, especially if the attachment is not listed in the WPDB. Fortunately, there are a few methods available to retrieving the URL of a WordPress attachment.

One way to find the URL of a WordPress attachment is to use the wpdb query tool. This tool can be accessed by clicking on the “Tools” menu in the admin area of your WordPress site, and then selecting “WP Database.

” From here, you can enter the name of the WordPress attachment in the “Find” field and then click on the “Search” button.

If the attachment is not listed in the WPDB, you can use the get_attachment_url() function to retrieve the URL of the attachment. This function can be accessed by adding the attachment name to the function’s arguments, like this:

get_attachment_url( ‘myfile.pdf’ );

Once you’ve retrieved the URL of the attachment, you can use it in your website’s URL structure. For example, if the attachment’s URL is, the URL for the document’s main content would be http://example.
