How Do I Get the Post Month and Date in WordPress?

In WordPress, posts are traditionally numbered starting with 1 and going up. However, you can change this behavior by using the post_type option in your wp-config.

php file. To change the default numbering, you would add the following line to your wp-config.php file:.

define(‘WP_POST_TYPE’, ‘your_post_type’);

Now, all your posts will be numbered starting from 2 instead of 1. If you want to change the numbering for a specific post, you can use the post_date() function to get the post’s post date.

The post_date() function takes a string input as its only parameter and returns the post’s post date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

To get the post month and date, you can use the post_date() and post_month() functions together. The post_date() function will return the post’s date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, while the post_month() function will return the post’s month in the format MM. So, to get the post’s month and date, you would use the following code:

