Home » Discover • WordPress » How Do I Link a Page to My Navigation Menu in WordPress? How Do I Link a Page to My Navigation Menu in WordPress?Posted by Kyle on 24 August, 2022No Comments Adding a link to your navigation menu from a page in WordPress is easy. To do so, first open the page in your web browser. Then, locate the HTML code for the page. After locating the code, scroll down until you see the section that includes the element. Near the top of the element, you’ll see a line that reads:.5 Related Question Answers Found How Do I Link a Menu to a Page in WordPress? Creating a link between a menu and a page in WordPress is a fairly simple process. To begin, navigate to the page you wish to link to in your browser. Once on the page, locate the menu item you wish to link to. How Do I Link a Menu Item to a WordPress Page? When you create a menu item in WordPress, you are assigned a unique ID. To link a menu item to a WordPress page, you use this ID. To link a menu item to a post, use the post’s ID. How Do I Link a Page Section to a Menu in WordPress? When you want to link a page section to a menu in WordPress, you first need to create a menu item for the section you want to link to. You can do this by going to Menu >> Add New Menu Item. In the Title Field, type the name of the section you want to link to, and in the Menu Item Type Field, choose Linked Section. How Do I Link a Menu Item to a Section in WordPress? Adding a menu item to a WordPress section is as simple as locating the desired section in the WordPress admin area, and then locating the desired menu item. Once found, click on the “add a new menu item” link near the top of the section. The following screen will appear: Enter the desired title for the menu item, as well as a brief description of the item. How Do I Add an Email Link to a Menu in WordPress? Adding an email link to a menu in WordPress can be a bit tricky, but it can be done. There are a couple of different ways to do it, and it really depends on what you want to accomplish. The first way to add an email link to a menu in WordPress is to use the custom menu plugin.Related Posts How Do I Add Pixels to My WordPress Site? Adding pixels to your WordPress site is a simple process that can help Can I Create an Online Course on WordPress? An online course on WordPress can teach users how to create a website How Do I Get the Current Post in WordPress? WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to create a