How Do I Make a Single Post in WordPress?

Making a post in WordPress is simple. First, you need to open the blog editor by clicking on the “Blog” button on the main dashboard.

Next, you will need to create a new post. To do this, click on the “Posts” tab on the left side of the editor, and then click on the “New Post” button.

To create a new post, you will need to provide a title, a body, and a category. The title is the headline of your post, and should be descriptive enough for people to understand what your post is about.

The body is where you will write your post content. The category is optional, and is only used to help people find your post.

To finish creating your post, you will need to add some images and a few other elements. To add an image, click on the “Photos” tab on the left side of the editor, and then click on the “Add Image” button.

To add a video, click on the “Videos” tab, and then click on the “Add Video” button.

Finally, you will need to add a title and a category to your post. To do this, click on the “Title” field, and then type in a title for your post.

To add a category, click on the “Category” field, and then type in a category for your post.

Your post is now finished! To view it, click on the “Publish” button on the bottom of the editor, and then click on the “Submit” button.


Creating a post in WordPress is simple. All you need to do is provide a title, a body, and a category, and you’re ready to go. The body is where you will write your post content, and should be long enough so that people can understand everything that you have to say.

The category is optional, and is only used to help people find your post. Finally, you will need to add a title and a category to your post.