How Do I Make a Table of Contents Clickable in WordPress?

Making a table of contents in WordPress is easy. All you need to do is create a list of headings, and then include a link to each heading in the text of your article. To create a table of contents for your article, follow these steps:

1. Create a list of headings for your table of contents.

This can be done using any of the standard WordPress headings tools, such as the the WordPress categorizer or the WordPress tag editor.

2. Include a link to each heading in the text of your article.

3. Save your article.

4. View your article with the Table of Contents plugin installed.

5. Click on the “TOC” button in the plugin toolbar.

6. Add links to the headings in the table of contents.

7. Click on “OK” to save your table of contents.

8. View your article with the Table of Contents plugin disabled.

9. Remove the links to the headings from the table of contents.


The table of contents will now be clickable.