How Do I Make an Image Interactive on WordPress?

Making an image interactive on WordPress is a simple process. First, you need to upload your image to your WordPress site.

Then, you need to add a link to the image in your posts or pages. Finally, you need to add a code snippet to your post or page.

To add a link to an image, you can use the tag. For example, the following code snippet will add a link to the image named “thumbs.db” located in the WordPress site’s root directory:


Finally, you need to add the code snippet to your post or page. To do this, you can use the

 tag or the  tag. For example, the following code snippet will add the code snippet to the post named "My First Post" located in the WordPress site's root directory:

If you want to add the code snippet to all posts or pages on the site, you can use the

 tag. For example, the following code snippet will add the code snippet to all posts or pages on the site:.