How Do I Make My Slider Automatically Move in WordPress?

Making a slider in WordPress move automatically can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and effort it can be done. There are a number of plugins that can help with this, but the best option may be to use a plugin and a custom post type.

The plugin that can help with this is Slider Revolution, which has a number of options for customizing how the slider works. By using a custom post type, you can control exactly how the slider works on your site.

Once you have Slider Revolution installed and set up, you will need to create a new custom post type. In the post type settings, you will need to set the post type to “Slider”.

This will create a new post type with the necessary settings for the slider.

Now, you will need to add a slider to your posts. To do this, you will need to add a shortcode to your post. The shortcode will look like this:

[slider id=”my-slider-id”]

This will create a slider with the given id. You can now add the slider to your posts using the standard WordPress media edit tools.

To make the slider automatically move when it is clicked, you will need to add a conditional tag to your slider. The conditional tag will look like this:

[if gm_active]


This will check to see if the GM_active flag is set, and if it is, the slider will automatically move. You can add this tag to any of the slides in your slider.

Finally, you will need to add a link to the slider in your posts. The link will look like this:

This will take you to the slider with the given id. You can now use this link to control the slider in your posts.