How Do I Make My WordPress Header Responsive?

Making your WordPress header responsive is simple, but it does require some additional work on your part. Here’s how to do it:

1. Install a plugin like Responsive WordPress Header.

2. Activate the plugin and go to the “Settings” tab.

3. Under “Responsive output,” select the format you want your responsive WordPress header to be in (either “Percentage” or “Fixed width”).

4. If you want to change the width of your responsive WordPress header, simply enter a new width in pixels in the “Width” field.

5. Click “Apply” and your responsive WordPress header will be created.

If you want to keep your header fixed at its current width, you can simply uncheck the “Responsive output” box and leave it at its current width.


Making your WordPress header responsive is simple, but it does require some additional work on your part. By using a responsive WordPress header plugin like Responsive WordPress Header, you can easily create a header that adapts to different screen sizes.