How Do I Make My WordPress Site Always Https?

Making your WordPress site always HTTPS is easy. First, make sure your site is set up with a secure SSL certificate.

Then, set up a HTTPS redirect on your site. Finally, make sure your site is serving the HTTPS version of all of its content. Here’s how to do each:.

1. Get a Secure SSL Certificate

The first step is to get a secure SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority. You can get a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt, or you can pay for a premium certificate from a trusted provider like Comodo.

2. Set Up a HTTPS Redirect

Next, you need to set up a HTTPS redirect on your site. This will redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS.

To do this, go to the Settings page of your WordPress site, and under the “Security” section, find the “HTTPS” setting. In the “HTTPS” setting, you’ll need to set the “Redirect HTTP to HTTPS” option to “On.”.

3. Serve the HTTPS Version of Your Content

Last, you need to make sure that all of your content is served in the HTTPS version. You can do this by adding a “https” prefix to the URL of all of your content. For example, if your URL is, you would change it to https://www.