How Do I Make My WordPress Site Matrimonial?

Making your WordPress site matrimonial is easy with a few simple steps.

First, you need to create a custom taxonomy for marriages. You can do this by going to the “Posts” admin screen and clicking on “Add New” under the “Posts” menu.

In the “Add New” screen, you need to select the “Taxonomy” option and enter “Marriage” in the “Name” field. In the “Description” field, you can write a brief description of the taxonomy.

Next, you need to create a custom post type for marriages.

In the “Add New” screen, you need to select the “Post Type” option and enter “Marriage” in the “Name” field. In the “Description” field, you can write a brief description of the post type.

Finally, you need to create a custom taxonomy for marriages.

Now that you have created the necessary files and settings, you can start adding content to your WordPress site that is related to marriages. You can add articles about marriage ceremonies, wedding planning tips, and more.

You can also create polls and quizzes about marriage topics, and share the results of those polls and quizzes on your site.


Making your WordPress site matrimonial is easy with a few simple steps. First, you need to create a custom taxonomy for marriages.