How Do I Make the Header Menu Elementor Transparent in WordPress?

Adding transparency to header menu elements in WordPress is a simple affair. To do so, open the header menu in your WordPress site and locate the

  • element that contains the header menu item you wish to make transparent.

    In the example below, the header menu item for blog posts is contained within the

  • element with the id of “post-header.”.

    To make the header menu item transparent, locate the tag that represents the link to the post, and change the opacity setting for that tag from 1 (transparent) to 0.5 (half-transparent).

    If you only want to affect the transparency of the

  • element, you can simply omit the tag.

    Now that the header menu element is transparent, you can style it as you wish. In the example below, the

  • element has been styled with a dark green background and a thin white border to make it stand out.


    Adding transparency to header menu items in WordPress is a simple affair. By changing the opacity setting for the tag that represents the link to the post, you can make the header menu item transparent.