How Do I Navigate a Menu in WordPress?

Menu navigation in WordPress is a breeze. To access a menu, simply click on the menu icon in the top right corner of your WordPress screen.

From there, you can either click on a specific menu item, or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through the different menu options.

When you’re ready to select an option from the menu, simply click on the item you want to select. WordPress will take you to the corresponding page or post, where you can start editing or publishing your content.

If you ever get lost in the WordPress menus, don’t worry – just use the search function to find what you need. And if you ever want to remove a menu item from your WordPress menu, just click on the “X” next to the menu item’s name.

WordPress menus are a great way to keep your site organized and easy to use. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different menu designs – the sky’s the limit! But no matter what you choose, make sure your menus are easy to navigate for your users.