How Do I Post SMTP in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system that can be used to create a website or blog. When creating a blog, it is possible to send and receive email using the SMTP feature.

This article will show you how to post SMTP in WordPress.

Before you begin, you will need to have an SMTP account and set up your WordPress site to use it. Once you have these things set up, follow these steps to post SMTP in WordPress:

1. Navigate to your WordPress site’s “Settings” page.

2. Under the “Email” heading, find the “SMTP” setting.

3. Enter your SMTP account information into the “SMTP” field.

4. Click the “OK” button to save your changes.

5. Now, you will need to configure your WordPress site to use the SMTP server.

To do this, open your site’s “Settings” page again and click the “General” tab.

6. Under the “Server” heading, find the “Email” section and click the “Configure” button.

7. Enter your site’s SMTP server information into the “Host” and “Port” fields.


9. Finally, you will need to configure your WordPress site to send and receive email.

To do this, open your site’s “Posts” page and find the “Email” section.

10. Enter your site’s email address into the “Email” field.

11. Click the “Add New” button to add a new email address to your site.

12. Enter your site’s email address into the “From” field.

13. Enter your site’s email address into the “To” field.

14. Select the “Send Email” check box.

15. Click the “Save Changes” button to save your changes.

16. Finally, you will need to configure your WordPress site to send and receive email messages.







23. Congratulations! You have now posted SMTP in WordPress.