How Do I Redirect a WordPress Page to a Subdomain?

When you want to redirect a WordPress page to a subdomain, you need to first create a new domain for the subdomain. Then, you need to create a new WordPress page for the subdomain and set the domain as the page’s domain.

Finally, you need to add a redirect rule to your .htaccess file that points all WordPress pages to the new page. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do all of this:.

1. Create a new domain for the subdomain. For example, if you want to redirect to www.subdomain., you would create a new domain name like

2. Activate the new domain.

You can do this by visiting the Domain Name System (DNS) Manager on your server and entering the new domain name into the “Host Name” field.

3. Create a new WordPress page for the subdomain.

com to, you would create a new WordPress page like this:.

4. Set the domain of the new WordPress page as the page’s domain.

You can do this by editing the page’s .htaccess file and adding a redirect rule like this:.

Redirect 301 /subdomain.


5. Restart your WordPress site.

Now when someone visits, their browser will redirect them to www.