How Do I Reduce the Size of an Image Without Losing Quality in WordPress?

Image compression is a process of reducing the size of an image without losing quality. There are a number of different compression algorithms available, and the best method for reducing image size depends on the image content and the specific needs of your website.

Choosing the right compression algorithm

There are a number of different compression algorithms available, and the best method for reducing image size depends on the image content and the specific needs of your website. Some of the more common compression algorithms include JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

JPEG is the most common compression algorithm used on the web, and it offers good compression ratios with little loss of image quality. GIF is a less common compression algorithm, but it offers better image quality than JPEG.

PNG is a newer compression algorithm, and it offers good compression ratios with little loss of image quality.

choosing the right size for your image

To reduce the size of an image without losing quality, you’ll first need to choose the right size for your image. images that are smaller than 100kb will typically be compressed using JPEG, while images larger than 100kb will typically be compressed using PNG.

Once you’ve chosen the right size for your image, you can start compression using one of the available compression algorithms. The best way to determine the best compression algorithm for your image is to trial different compression algorithms and see which offers the best results for your specific image content.


Some of the more common compression algorithms include JPEG, GIF, and PNG. JPEG is the most common compression algorithm used on the web, and it offers good compression ratios with little loss of image quality.

GIF is a less common compression algorithm, but it offers better image quality than JPEG. PNG is a newer compression algorithm, and it offers good compression ratios with little loss of image quality.