How Do I Share My WordPress Blog on Instagram?

Instagram is a popular social media platform with over 1 billion active users. It’s a great way to share photos and videos of your life with friends and family, as well as showcase your creative work.

To share your WordPress blog on Instagram, you first need to create an account. After you’ve created an account, you need to add your WordPress blog to Instagram. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open your Instagram account.

2. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Posts.”

3. On the Posts page, under “Links,” click on “Add link to a post.”

4. In the “Add post link text” field, type in the url of your WordPress blog.

5. In the “Add post link image” field, type in the url of the photo you would like to use as the post’s featured image.

6. Click on “Add post link.”

7. Congratulations! You’ve now added your WordPress blog to Instagram! You can now share your blog posts on Instagram by following these steps:


2. On the Posts page, under “Links,” click on “Share post. In the “Share post text” field, type in a shareable message about your blog post.

4. In the “Share post image” field, type in the url of the photo you would like to use as the post’s featured image. Click on “Share post.”

6. Congratulations! You’ve now shared your WordPress blog post on Instagram! You can now see your post’s stats and engagement on the Posts page.


To share your WordPress blog on Instagram, follow these steps:.