How Do WordPress Themes and Plugins Work?

WordPress themes and plugins are two of the most popular ways to customize your website. A WordPress theme is the basic look and feel of your website, while plugins add specific features or functionality.

WordPress themes are created by third-party developers, and you can find them on the website or on the WordPress themes directory.

You can also find WordPress plugins on the website or on the WordPress plugins directory.

When you install a WordPress theme, WordPress automatically downloads and installs any plugins that are required to use the theme. If you want to use a plugin that is not included with the theme, you can install it yourself by searching for it on the WordPress.

org website or the WordPress plugins directory.

WordPress themes and plugins work together to create a custom website. WordPress themes provide the basic look and feel of your website, while plugins add specific features or functionality. When you install a WordPress theme, WordPress automatically downloads and installs any plugins that are required to use the theme.

If you want to use a plugin that is not included with the theme, you can install it yourself by searching for it on the website or the WordPress plugins directory.