How Do You Add a Caption to Text in WordPress?

Adding a caption to text in WordPress can be a bit daunting, depending on your level of experience. If you’re new to the platform, we recommend using the WordPress caption plugin.

This plugin provides a built-in captioning feature that’s easy to use and customizable.

If you’re more experienced with WordPress, you can use the captioning features built into the WordPress Media Library. To use this feature, first add a media file to your blog.

Then, go to the Media Library and select the file. On the right side of the screen, under the Captioning tab, you’ll see a field for you to enter a caption.

Once you’ve added a caption, you can choose to have it displayed alongside the image, or as a separate paragraph. You can also add a link to the caption, if you want.

Finally, you can save your captioning configuration as a custom theme option.