How Do You Add Currency on WordPress?

Adding currency on WordPress can be a bit of a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.

First, you’ll need to add a currency symbol to your WordPress options. To do this, open your WordPress options and click on the “Settings” tab.

Under “General,” click on the “Currency” tab and select the symbol you want to use from the list.

Next, you’ll need to add a currency conversion table to your WordPress site. This table will contain the conversion rates for different currencies, and you’ll need to include the currency symbol in each row. To add the table, open your WordPress site in a text editor and type the following code into the document:


echo “


while ($row = $result[0]) {

echo “



echo “

Number of rowsCurrency



To include the table in your WordPress theme, locate the theme’s functions.php file and add the following code:

add_action(‘init’, ‘mytheme_currency_conversion’);

Finally, you’ll need to add a currency conversion function to your WordPress site. This function will accept a currency name and a rate, and it will return the converted value. To add the function, open your WordPress site in a text editor and type the following code:

function mytheme_currency_conversion($currency, $rate) {

// This function will return the converted value in the given currency

return $rate * $currency;

To include the function in your WordPress site, locate the theme’s functions.php file and add the following code:

Now, when users enter a currency value in the WordPress admin area, the system will automatically calculate the corresponding conversion rate and display it in the table.