How Do You Add the HTML Tag to Your WordPress Website’s Homepage for Ownership Verification?

Adding the HTML tag for ownership verification on your WordPress website’s homepage is a simple process. To do so, open your website’s administrative panel and navigate to the “Appearance” tab.

There, you’ll find a section called “Customize WordPress” that allows you to add custom HTML tags to your website. To add the tag for ownership verification, simply click on the “Add a Custom HTML Tag” button and enter the following code into the text field:.


Once you’ve added the code for ownership verification, you’ll need to copy and paste it into the “Custom HTML” area of your website’s homepage. You can then save your changes and visit your website to see the results.

If you’re using a plugin to add ownership verification to your website, be sure to verify that the plugin is working properly before you add the HTML tag to your website’s homepage. If you have any questions about adding the HTML tag for ownership verification to your website, be sure to ask in the comments section below.