How Do You Call a Plugin From a WordPress Page?

When you want to call a plugin from within a WordPress page, there are a couple of different ways you can do it. The simplest way is to use the wp_dashboard_ called_plugins function.

This function will return a list of all the plugins installed on your WordPress site, and you can use the name of the plugin you want to call as the argument.

Another way to call a plugin from within a WordPress page is to use the WP_Query object. This object lets you run custom WordPress queries on your site, and you can use the plugin ID as the argument to the WP_Query object. This will return a list of all the posts with a specific plugin ID attached to it.

Once you have the list of posts, you can use the WP_Post object to access the details of the post. This object includes information like the title, the author, and the date published.