How Do You Make a WordPress Video Responsive?

Making a WordPress video responsive is a breeze. All you need to do is to follow these simple steps:

1) Choose the right size for your video

First, you need to choose the right size for your video. You can choose to make your video responsive by using the media query feature in WordPress.

To do this, open your WordPress site in a browser, and go to the Appearance > Media section. In the Media section, click on the Responsive Images button. In the Media Query box that opens, enter the following code:.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {


This code tells WordPress to only allow the video to be displayed on screens that are at least 768 pixels wide.

2) Choose a responsive CSS file

Next, you need to choose a responsive CSS file. To do this, open your WordPress site in a browser, and go to the Appearance > Custom CSS section.

In the Custom CSS section, click on the Responsive Links button. In the Responsive Links box that opens, select the responsive CSS file that you want to use.

3) Apply the responsive CSS file to your video

Now, you need to apply the responsive CSS file to your video. To do this, open your WordPress site in a browser, and go to the Media section.

In the Media section, click on the Responsive Images button.

4) Choose a responsive HTML file

Next, you need to choose a responsive HTML file. To do this, open your WordPress site in a browser, and go to the Appearance > HTML section.

In the HTML section, click on the Responsive Links button. In the Responsive Links box that opens, select the responsive HTML file that you want to use.

5) Apply the responsive HTML file to your video

Now, you need to apply the responsive HTML file to your video.

6) Preview your responsive video

Finally, you need to preview your responsive video. To do this, open your WordPress site in a browser, and click on the Preview button.

If everything went well, your video should be displayed on both the original size and the responsive size.


Making a WordPress video responsive is easy. All you need to do is to follow these simple steps:

4) Preview your responsive video.