How Do You Make Music Play Automatically on WordPress?
Making music play automatically on WordPress can be done in a few simple steps.
First, you will need to install a plugin called ‘Autoplay Media’. Once installed, you will need to activate the plugin and configure it to work with your WordPress site.
The Autoplay Media plugin will allow you to specify the time after which music will start playing automatically on your WordPress site.
To configure the Autoplay Media plugin, you will need to edit the ‘Autoplay Media’ plugin settings. Under the ‘General’ tab, you will find the ‘After’ field.
Here, you will need to specify the time after which music will start playing automatically on your WordPress site. For example, if you want music to start playing automatically after 5 minutes, you would enter 5 minutes into the ‘After’ field.
Once you have configured the Autoplay Media plugin, you will need to add some code to your WordPress site. To do this, you will need to create a new file called ‘wp-config.php’ and enter the following code into it:
After you have added the code, you will need to activate the Autoplay Media plugin by entering the following into your WordPress site’s ‘Plugins’ menu:
// Enable the Autoplay Media plugin. wp_enqueue_script(‘autoplay-media’);
Once the Autoplay Media plugin has been activated, you will need to add some code to your WordPress site’s ‘header.php’ file. To do this, you will need to enter the following code into the file:
After you have added the code to your ‘header.php’ file, you will need to add some code to your WordPress site’s ‘footer.
php’ file. To do this, you will need to enter the following code into the file:.
After you have added the code to your ‘footer.php’ file, you will need to save your changes and activate the Autoplay Media plugin by entering the following into your WordPress site’s ‘Plugins’ menu:
Now, your music will start playing automatically on your WordPress site after the time you have specified in the ‘After’ field of the Autoplay Media plugin.
Making music play automatically on WordPress can be done in a few simple steps. First, you will need to install a plugin called ‘Autoplay Media’. The Autoplay Media plugin will allow you to specify the time after which music will start playing automatically on your WordPress site.
Next, you will need to add code to your WordPress site’s ‘header.php’ and ‘footer.php’ files to enable the Autoplay Media plugin. Finally, you will need to save your changes and activate the Autoplay Media plugin.