Is XMLRPC PHP Running on Your WordPress Site?

XMLRPC PHP is a PHP extension that enables remote procedure call (RPC) over XML. When you install XMLRPC PHP, WordPress automatically installs the required dependencies and settings.

WordPress uses XMLRPC PHP to communicate with the blog engine.

This enables you to create custom posts, comments, and themes using the API.

When you’re using the API, you need to sign in to your account.

After you sign in, you can use the API to create posts, manage comments, and more.

If you want to use the API on your own site, you need to install XMLRPC PHP and the API plugin. After you install XMLRPC PHP and the WordPress.

com API plugin, you need to create a settings file and configure it to use your WordPress.

Once you have installed XMLRPC PHP and the API plugin and configured the settings file, you can use the WordPress.

com API to create posts, manage comments, and more.