What Is a Blog Domain in WordPress?

A blog domain is the name of the website where your blog posts are stored. It’s the same as the domain name of your website, just different. WordPress always creates a blog domain for you when you create a new blog. For example, if your website is blog.example.com, your blog domain would be blog.

example.com. If you create a new blog at blog.mydomain.com, WordPress creates a blog domain for you of mydomain.

Whenever someone accesses your blog through a web browser, they’ll see blog. If you want to share your blog posts with a wider audience, you can also set up a blog host and use a different domain name for your blog posts. For example, if you set up a blog host at blog.

com and publish your blog posts at blog.myblog.

When you create a blog, WordPress creates the following files and directories:






This is where WordPress stores your blog’s configuration files and theme files.

This is where you set up your blog’s settings, such as your blog’s name and email address.

This is where WordPress stores all of your blog posts and media.

This is where WordPress stores all of the WordPress functions and classes.

This is where you set up your blog’s global settings.