What Is a Slug in WordPress Page?

Slugs are short, unique, alphanumeric labels assigned to posts, pages, or other WordPress objects. They’re used to speed up your site by allowing you to retrieve a post or page by its slug instead of its full URL.

To create a slug, first create a unique identifier for your post or page, such as its title or the date it was created. Then, use the slug generator to create a short, alphanumeric label that uniquely identifies your post or page.

For example, the slug for this post might be “my-first-post” while the slug for this page might be “sample-page”.

To use a slug in a URL, simply replace the post’s title or the page’s slug with the full URL. For example, if this post’s slug is “my-first-post”, the URL for it would be http://example.


Finally, remember to update your post or page’s slug as necessary so that it stays up-to-date and unique. Slugs are a valuable tool for speeding up your site, so make sure you use them correctly!.