What Is the Default Post Format in WordPress?

Default Post Format in WordPress

WordPress has a default post format that is used by most of the posts. This format is a standard text post with the following sections:







The WordPress post format is simple, effective, and versatile. It allows you to easily write a post, and share it with your followers.

The LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook sections are optional, and can be left out if you don’t want them included. The Google+ section is also optional, but many bloggers include it to share links to their Google+ profile page.

There are a few other post formats that you can use in WordPress. You can create a post as a gallery, or create a post as a video.

You can also create a post as a PDF, or as a table.

Overall, the default WordPress post format is simple, effective, and versatile. It’s a great way to easily write a post, and share it with your followers.