Where Are WordPress Menu Settings?

WordPress Menu Settings

If you’re looking for where to find WordPress menu settings, you’re in luck. Just head over to the WordPress admin area and select “Appearance” from the menu on the left.

From there, you’ll see the “Menus” tab.

Here, you’ll find all the options for how WordPress displays menus and submenus. You can control everything from the order in which menus appear to the colors and fonts used for each menu item.

If you need to make changes to a menu item’s text or appearance, just click on it and you’ll be taken to the relevant WordPress menu editor. From there, you can customize the item as you see fit.

Finally, be sure to save your changes before you go, otherwise you’ll have to go through the whole process again the next time you visit the Appearance menu.


WordPress menu settings are easy to access and can be customized to perfectly match your website’s style. So be sure to take advantage of this valuable resource and customize your WordPress menus to match your unique brand.