Where Can I Edit Widgets in WordPress?

If you want to create a widget in WordPress, you first need to create a file called wp-config.php and add the following line to it:

define( ‘WP_WIDGET_DIR’, ‘./widgets’);

Then you need to create a file called widgets.php and add the following lines to it:

$widget_dir = WP_WIDGET_DIR;

$widget_files = array(












$widgets = array(









$widget_names = array(

$widget_args = array(


wp_register_widget($widget_dir . ‘//’ .

$widget_names . $widget_args);.

Now you can add your widget functions to widgets.php. The following example creates a widget that displays the current time:

function time_widget() {

global $time;

echo date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, $time);


wp_register_widget(‘time_widget’, time_widget);

If you want to include a widget in a theme or plugin, you’ll need to obtain the widget’s file path and include it in your project. You can find the path to a widget’s file by using the WP_Widget_File() function. Here’s an example that includes the time_widget widget in a theme called MyTheme:

$theme_dir = WP_THEME_DIR . ‘/themes/mytheme/templates';

$widget_dir = WP_WIDGET_DIR . ‘/widgets/time_widget.php';

$template_dir = WP_TEMPLATE_DIR . ‘/templates/mytheme/';

$file = WP_WIDGET_FILE($widget_dir, ‘time_widget.php’);

if( ! file_exists($file) ) {

die( ‘The file “‘ . $file . ‘” does not exist!’ );

$theme_url = apply_filters( ‘themes_url’, $theme_dir . ‘/themes/mytheme’ );

$plugin_url = apply_filters( ‘plugin_url’, $plugin_dir . ‘/plugins/myplugin’ );

echo ‘‘.

echo ‘‘.