Where Can I Find Redirects in WordPress?

In WordPress, you can redirect a visitor to any page or post using the Redirect function. You can also use the Redirect menu item in the WordPress admin area. To redirect a visitor to a post, use the following code:

redirect url=”http://example.com/post/”

To redirect a visitor to a specific page on your site, use the following code:

redirect url=”page_name”

You can also use the wp_redirect() function to redirect a visitor to a custom URL. To use this function, include the following code in your post or page:


You can also use the wp_link() function to create a link to a specific post or page. To use this function, include the following code in your post or page:

wp_link(‘post_ID’, ‘link_to_page_or_post’);

You can also use the wp_redirect() function to create a custom URL. To use this function, include the following code in your post or page:

wp_redirect(‘url_to_redirect’, true);

The true parameter tells WordPress to create a permanent redirect instead of just a temporary one.